Running unopposed!

Well, this was unexpected. I’m running unopposed! As of the deadline, no one else had picked up or filed petitions with the DC Board of Elections in 1B12. I’ll be the only name on the ballot.

It doesn’t change my plans. The next few months I’ll be out earning your vote. I think the internet is great, but the most important conversations happen face to face.

What else can you expect from me before the election? I’m trying to get on the agenda with all U Street-area neighborhood associations. I’m going to attend meetings hosted by Greater Greater WashingtonOur Schools, among others. I’ll share what I learn here, on Twitter and in my newsletter.

You can always find me #ANC1B Transportation Committee meetings. Our next meeting is a week from today, Thursday 8/16, at 7pm at the Thurgood Marshall Center. We’ll be talking public space, alley naming, and more.

Stay tuned for the date and location of my events. If you live in a 1B12 apartment building, you might find me in your lobby — perhaps with some snacks. I hope to do events throughout the ANC too. I don’t have an opponent but I’m committed to earning your support.

Remember, 1B12 Wins with Winston! Stay in touch.

Thoughts on a city “Progress Report”

Today, I received an interesting mailer from Mayor Bowser, in preparation for this fall’s general election. It’s a 42 month progress report. There’s a lot to celebrate, but we face big challenges that require bold action – across the city, within the wards, and in each neighborhood. I’m running for ANC to do my part in 1B12.  Some highlights for our neighborhood are below.

A mailer from Mayor Bowser

Citywide, the mayor committed more than $1 billion to modernize schools. Garrison Elementary (just across the street from 1B12) has certainly benefited from that. Parents I’ve spoken to want to see even more progress inside the classroom, to go along with the beautiful facility.

Around the city, 5,800 affordable housing units have been delivered since 2015. In 1B12, there are two massive public redevelopments looming: the Reeves Center at 14th and U, and the Department of Parks and Recreation lot on S. What will happen with those lots? Is affordable housing a part of the plan?

I was thrilled that the Funk Parade got a shoutout. 1B12 has so many cultural institutions, like Black Cat DC and Twins Jazz, along with the incredible legacy of Black Broadway. What more can we do to support the art and music that’s been making U Street vibrant for so long?

…those are just some of the first reactions I had to the report from the Mayor. It’s a great read. Looking forward to discussing these and other issues with my neighbors in the months ahead!


Reflections on a great first week

Early on Monday, July 9th, I took the Metro to the DC Board of Elections. I was there to pick up the petitions I’d need to be on the ballot for ANC Commissioner in 1B12. After I filled out the official Declaration of Candidacy, I raised my right hand to make it official — just like you see in the movies.

It was the start of a memorable week.

For the next seven days, I walked around my neighborhood, and met lots of new people. If you’ve known me for more than a few minutes, you already know those are two of my favorite activities.

Ostensibly, I was walking the streets to have neighbors sign my ballot access petitions. The minimum number of signatures required is 25, and the recommended number of signatures is about 40. I got 100.

Really, signatures were an excuse. I want to have as many conversations as possible, so I can understand what’s really important to my neighbors.

Over the course of the week, I heard a lot about what people love about the 14th and U corridor. Beautiful homes. Lots of options for activities. Neighbors from all around the world.

I also heard about some challenges, like trash, and opportunities, like development at the Reeves Center.  Over the next months, I’ll be using this site to share what I’ve heard, and my plan to address these issues as Commissioner.

I hope you’ll let me know your thoughts, too, with the form below.

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